The privacy and safety of our guests is of the utmost importance, and we expect all guests to maintain confidentiality.
You will not disclose identifying information of any member or guest to the media.
You will not use or attempt to use photography or video recording at a 7Sins event.
You will not disclose the location of the event or any details about it to anyone outside of the event.
It's important to respect the privacy of all participants and maintain confidentiality to ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable during their time at the event.
Obtaining consent for anything you do, involves making sure that all parties involved are willing and able to participate freely and enthusiastically. This can be done by discussing and agreeing on the activity beforehand, using clear and specific language, and respecting any boundaries or limitations that may be expressed. It is important to remember that consent cannot be given under coercion or pressure, and that a person can change their mind at any time.
Before engaging in sexual activity, it's essential to have open and honest communication with your partner about boundaries, preferences, and consent. It's important to respect the boundaries of others and to communicate your own boundaries clearly. It's also ok to change your mind during the activity and to speak up if you feel uncomfortable. Remember, it's always better to ask for clarification or consent than to assume. And don't hesitate to say "no" if something doesn't feel right to you. It's important to be respectful and polite, but also firm.
When it comes to sexual activity, it's important to remember that just because someone looks a certain way or seems to be enjoying themselves, it does not give you the right to assume that they want to engage in sexual activity with you. Instead, wait for an explicit invitation or a positive response to your advances before proceeding. Remember that "no" means no and that it's important to be respectful of boundaries and to accept rejection gracefully. Additionally, if you are the one being approached, do not hesitate to assert your boundaries and say no if you are not comfortable with the situation. And always be respectful and polite in any interaction.
When it comes to alcohol and sexual activity, it's important to be mindful of how much you are consuming. While it may be tempting to use alcohol as a way to boost your confidence, it's important to be aware of your limits and not to drink to the point of being unable to enjoy the experience. Additionally, being offensive or severely intoxicated can be grounds for being asked to leave. So, it's essential to be aware of your own limits and to make sure that you are in a state where you can communicate clearly and make informed decisions about your actions.If you’re offensive or severely intoxicated we will ask you to leave.
Safe sex and well being.
When it comes to safe sex, it is important to practice without prompting. This means using condoms and other forms of protection on toys and anything else that may be inserted into others.
At this event, we have a dedicated team available to assist you with any issues or concerns that may arise during the event. They will be monitoring the playspaces and can be easily identified by their unique outfits. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to approach them for help.
We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave if they break etiquette, rules or offend other guests. Remember, communication and consent are key in any sexual encounter, and it's essential to use your mind and to relish in the experiences of others while enjoying yourself.
Consent Etiquette - When Watching:
When people are engaged in sexual activity, it's important to give them plenty of space for their 'scene.' If you would like to watch, keep a reasonable distance and be unobtrusive. It is not appropriate to interrupt a scene by touching people without permission. If you would like to join the activity, always ask first.
Voyeurism is acceptable as long as you maintain a respectful distance. However, it is not okay to stare at people or to self-invite yourself into their personal space without permission. Remember, consent and respect are key in any sexual encounter, whether you're actively participating or just observing.
When Playing:
Please keep in mind that you are not the only one in the play area. Try to be mindful of others and not take up too much space. While we encourage you to let loose and enjoy yourself, please remember that others may also want to have some space for themselves.
Hygiene is also important when engaging in sexual activity. We will provide all necessary hygienic products and encourage their use. It's important to keep the area clean and sanitized for the comfort and safety of all participants.